Welcome to Part 2 of Chess Pieces: King, Queen, Rook, Knight, Bishop & Pawn. If you have not read Part 1, then refer to this . Let us continue with the check, capture, and basic checkmate patterns of each piece. Check by each piece: We have already learnt about the piece movement in article Part 1. Let us now learn how each piece gives a check with a demonstration: We all know that the check is given only to the King. By King: King doesn't have the ability to give checks to each other. By Queen: Just like how it moves, the Queen gives checks through files, ranks or diagonals. Position: W-Kb3,Qg5 B-Kg8 Example of a check by the White Queen to the Black King through the direction: Files (Vertical). By Rook: Just like how it moves, the Rook gives checks through files or ranks. Position: W-Kb3, Rb7 B-Kh7 Example of a check by the White Rook to the Black King through the direction: Rank (Horizontal). By Bishop: Just l...
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